
Elementary School Year

$10,700 per year

Yearly registration fee is $175 for an entire family. Price excludes after-school care. 

Primary School Year

$10,500 per year

Yearly registration fee is $175 for an entire family. Price excludes after-school care. 

Tuition for the school year 2025/2026

Tuitions, After-School Care, & Payment Policies.

The registration fee is $175 per family. The registration fee for each additional child from the same family is free. Registration cannot be accepted without fees. Registration fees are non-refundable. Monte Vista Montessori School has a ten month school year.

Total yearly tuition for primary student classes (8:30 – 2:00) is $10,500.00. Total yearly tuition for elementary student classes (8:00 – 3:00) is $10,700.00. The yearly tuition is reduced 20% for the second child, 30% for the third, and 40% for the fourth. Tuition may be paid annually, semiannually, quarterly, or monthly. Annual prepayment for the 2025-2026 school year is due on June 20, 2025 or at the time of registration, whichever is later.

After-school care fees are not included. After-school Care is paid on a monthly basis only.

Payment due dates by installment plan:

1stJune 20annualsemiannualquarterly
2ndJuly 20
3rdAug 20quarterly
4thSep 20
5thOct 20
6thNov 20semiannualquarterly
7thDec 20
8thJan 20
9thFeb 20quarterly
10thMar 20


  • Parents are responsible for the total annual tuition regardless of attendance.
  • All tuition is prepaid.
  • When a tuition payment has not been received by the 4th of the month following the due date, a late fee of 10% will be added to the tuition or After School Care fee.
  • There will be a $25 charge for tuition checks returned NSF by the bank.
  • When a child is registered after June 20, the first installment is due at the time of registration.
  • Tuition is prorated for children enrolled during the school year.
  • There is neither reduction nor refund of tuition or After School Care fees for non-attendance.
  • Registration fee and tuition installments are always paid before the child enters school.
  • If a child is withdrawn from Monte Vista Montessori School, tuition will be prorated and all unused tuitions will be refunded.

Monte Vista Montessori is committed to an admission policy that does not discriminate on any basis, including: gender, race, creed, sexual orientation, color, national or ethnic origin, marital status, veteran status, religion, age, or disability, of children or parents. We seek to provide opportunities and experiences for all students on an equal basis.

Contracted Tuition Payments and After School Care Fees

Primary Students

School Day8:30 - 2:00
Arrival7:30 - 8:25
Departure2:00 - 2:30
After School Care2:30 - 5:30

Combined tuition and after-school care fees on the monthly payment plan for primary children by departure time:

Departure TimeCombined Tuition & After-School Care Fees
2:00 - 2:30$1,050
2:30 - 3:00$1,060
3:00 - 3:30$1,070
3:30 - 4:00$1,100
4:00 - 4:30$1,130
4:30 - 5:00 $1,160
5:00 - 5:30$1,190

Monthly after-school care fees when paid separately from tuition for primary children by departure time:

Departure TimeAfter-School Care Fees
2:00 - 2:30$0
2:30 - 3:00$10
3:00 - 3:30$20
3:30 - 4:00$50
4:00 - 4:30$80
4:30 - 5:00 $110
5:00 - 5:30$140

Elementary Students

School Day8:00 - 3:00
Arrival7:30 - 7:55
Departure3:00 - 3:30
After-School Care3:30 - 5:30

Combined tuition and after-school care fees on the monthly payment plan for elementary children by departure time:

Departure TimeCombined Tuition & After-School Care Fees
3:00 - 3:30$1,070
3:30 - 4:00$1,100
4:00 - 4:30$1,130
4:30 - 5:00 $1,160
5:00 - 5:30$1,190

Monthly after-school care fees when paid separately from tuition for elementary children by departure time:

Departure TimeAfter-School Care Fees
3:00 - 3:30$0
3:30 - 4:00$30
4:00 - 4:30$60
4:30 - 5:00 $90
5:00 - 5:30$120
  • After-school care may be contracted in advance and paid monthly.
  • Or if circumstances arise, after-school care will be billed separately as needed at $4.00 per hour per child.
  • There is a penalty of $1.00 per minute per child for pick-ups after 5:30.